: 7 piece of visual composition for Deserts. Played by Bit20 Ensemble in Bergen / Norway. So far we know that Varèse`s Déserts was born as a audio-visual project as it frequently mentioned from different sources.Some try outs of era directors such as Burgess Meredith did not suit with Varèse`s vision. So Varèse`s execution of project was without any visual participant. More currently we should also consider Bill Viola`s great work on Déserts. Here I will try a possibly applicable form of visual participation. Varèse`s notes and harmonic features do not have a conventional use and function as other composers in his zeitgeist. He demonstrated the sound within instruments potential timbre and composed timbres while projecting the sound -in correlation of pitches and overtones- to spatial dimension. He mentions, “my music is based on the motion of unrelated sound masses” made me aim to use visual material which is more clusters and swarms also relatively converging volumes of movements. There, the animation becoming sculptural forms of different textures of remote spaces. Also I used some of materials from Cold Coast Archive of Svalbard. The conceptual side of Déserts such as solitude in outer space, deserted abandoned zones and all connotations of vastness of desert somehow drags us to inner space of the mind: absolute loneliness where only creativity can remain. As nomadic tribes prefer to spread through plateaus and deserts of planetary landscape, they also preserve unique forms of life strategies that subtracts anything that may obstacles them on the way. Varèse himself was in his desert island, no remain of his early work because of his destruction. And yet what remains is a dozen of work that all stands unique and innovator.